Strict Narratives

The Strict Narratives option allows users to choose between utilizing predetermined narratives within the report or selecting any custom narrative they prefer.

Configuring Strict Narratives

Step 1: Open the single-scope template.

Step 2: Go to the "OPTION TOGGLES" section of the setup code.

Step 3: Go to the bb.strict_narratives line. The value listed determines the presentation of narratives within the report. The default value is "true." Modify the value as desired.

Business Rules

If bb.strict_narratives is set to true, the report will expect the narratives to be present and populated:

  • Introduction

  • Methodology

  • Scope

  • Summary of Findings

These narratives will be displayed in the order above.

If bb.strict_narratives is set to false, the report will display any narrative in the report in the order entered.

The only narrative it won't show in order is a narrative with "Appendix" in the title. In that scenario, the narrative will appear at the bottom of the report.

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