Adding Users

Users can be added using PlexTrac or by uploading a CSV file template.

If custom roles are required, create these before adding users. Otherwise, new users will need an assignment to an existing role, and adding the custom role later will be an additional step.

Adding Users

Step 1: From the Users page of the Admin Dashboard, under "Security & User Management," click Add Users.

Step 2: Enter the user's email, first name, last name, role, authentication provider, and classification tier (if applicable).

Step 3: Click the check box to identify if the user should belong to the Default Group.

The Default Group is a collection of users who, by default, have access to all clients in PlexTrac. When a user is added to the Default Group, they are granted access to all existing clients, and when a new one is created, they are automatically assigned access.

Removing a user from the Default Group does not remove previously granted client access but only removes the automatic assignment to new clients.

Step 4: Click New user to repeat the process and add more users.

Step 5: When finished, validate whether an email link should be sent to all newly created users to set their password (the default option is to send the email).

Step 6: Click Save.

A message will appear confirming the addition, and the new user will appear on the Users page.

Adding Users via CSV

Users can be created in bulk using a CSV template, which can be found on the Add New Users page after clicking Add Users.

The CSV file has five fields to collect user information to be imported:

Importing the CSV Template

Step 1: Download the file, delete the sample values, and enter the user information to import.

If any custom roles exist in the CSV file that are not currently in PlexTrac, add them now before continuing to reduce rework.

Step 2: From the Users page of the Admin Dashboard, under "Security & User Management," click Add Users.

Step 3: Click Import from CSV.

Step 4: A window opens to select the CSV file from the computer. Select the file to import.

Step 5: The information in the CSV file is imported for review.

Step 6 (optional): No changes are needed if standard roles were used. If a custom role was assigned to an imported user, manually select it by clicking the "Role" pulldown menu for the impacted user and selecting the desired custom role value.

Step 7: Click Save.

A message will appear confirming users were added.

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