Importing a Report

Exported PTRAC files (.ptrac) can be imported into PlexTrac for cross-team collaboration. For instance, a red team from one tenant can share with a blue team client with its own PlexTrac instance.

Reports can be imported either in the Client module or the Reports module. The instructions below are specific to the Reports module and assume the user has an exporting report in PTRAC format.

Step 1: From the Reports module home page, click Import Report.

Step 2: Select the client the report will be associated with from the pulldown menu on the modal.

Step 3: Drag the .ptrac file to the box provided or click the box and navigate to the file on the computer.

Step 4: Click Submit.

A progress bar will indicate the status; the upload may take a minute or two.

When completed successfully, a confirmation message will appear.

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