Service-Level Agreements (SLAs)

The Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) button under "Tenant Settings" in the Admin Dashboard allows management of SLA settings, such as severity, days to close, notifications, and tags.

SLAs are designed to ensure that cybersecurity measures meet specific standards and expectations and are critical to managing and enhancing an organization's overall security posture.

Configuring Views

The table view can be customized by clicking the column view icon to the right of the search bar.

Once clicked, a modal appears that lists all fields. To remove a column, click X within the bar.

Fields that are required do not have an X available.

When fields are removed, an "Add Column" pulldown menu is added at the bottom left of the modal to store the field. Any removed fields can be added later by clicking Add Column and selecting the field to add.

This modal represents the sequence of fields provided in the table, meaning the bar on top will be the column on the table's far left.

The order of columns can be adjusted within this modal by clicking the six dots on the left of the bar for a field and dragging the bar to the desired sequence place.

Click Save when finished.

Creating a SLA

Step 1: Click New Service-Level Agreement.

Step 2: A modal will appear. Enter an SLA name, define how many days should exist to close the SLA and the finding severity that the SLA applies to. All other fields are optional.

  1. SLA Name: This is a required field. Duplicate SLA names can exist.

  2. Days to Closed: This is a required field. Enter a numeric value representing how many days are allowed to close a finding. For example, a value of "2" means that if a finding for the defined severity has not been closed within two days of being opened, it exceeds the SLA.

  3. Finding Severity: This is a required field. Select the finding(s) severity to be tracked as part of the SLA. More than one severity can be selected.

  4. Finding Tags: This allows an SLA to include findings with specific tags. Leave blank to include all tags. More than one value can be selected.

  5. Asset Criticality: If a value is selected, the SLA will only track Assets with the selected criticality. More than one value can be chosen.

  6. Asset Tags: This allows an SLA to include assets with specific tags. Leave blank to include all tags. More than one value can be selected.

  7. Daily summary email...: When checked, an email summary of findings nearing and exceeding SLA for the tenancy level that the user is assigned to or added as another recipient is sent daily.

  8. Send reminder X hours before the SLA is exceeded: When checked, an email is sent. Findings included in this reminder will also be listed as “Nearing SLA” within Trends & SLA analytics.

  9. Send notification when the SLA has been exceeded: When checked, a notification will be sent to recipients until remediated.

  10. Other recipients: Additional recipients can be added via the pulldown menu. The users selected will have the same experience described in NOTIFICATIONS above, assuming they have permission to view any findings or SLAs.

  11. Daily summary email of findings nearing and exceeding an SLA: When checked, a daily email is sent.

  12. Send reminder X hours before the SLA is exceeded: When checked, a reminder is sent. Findings included in this reminder will also be listed as “Nearing SLA” within Trends & SLA analytics.

  13. Send notification when an SLA has been exceeded: When checked, a notification is sent when an SLA has been exceeded.

Step 3: Click Save at the bottom of the modal.

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