Short Codes

The Short Codes button under "Tenant Settings" in the Admin Dashboard provides the ability to replace predefined strings or variables in a report with new values, reducing the need to edit each report. Using short codes makes report creation more efficient and reduces maintenance, as it reduces the time to edit.

Short codes can pull data from a report custom field or a client custom field, depending if the short code applies to all reports for a client or one specific report.

Default Short Codes

PlexTrac provides six short codes that pull data from non-custom fields and are listed on the Default tab. These variables cannot be modified or deleted.

Creating a Short Code

Step 1: From the Custom tab of the Short Codes page within the Admin Dashboard, click Create Short Code.

Step 2: Enter the appropriate values in the provided fields.

  1. Short Code field: The string inserted in reusable rich text fields that will be replaced after activation. Short Codes must follow the following rules:

    • Be a single string with no spaces

    • Begin and end with two percent symbols

    • No special characters other than an underscore and the aforementioned percent symbols

    • Follow the standard of %%MY_SHORT_CODE%% when “MY_SHORT_CODE” is the desired string

  2. Source field: The value from which the short code is replaced and can originate from either a report or client custom field.

  3. Custom Field Label field: The value associated with the short code that will be entered in a client or report custom field to generate the replacement value. Below is an example of a short code's Custom Field Label value ("Client Domain") used in a report.

Report Custom Fields can be pre-populated from Report templates.

Step 3: Click Save.

The new short code is inserted at the bottom of the list on the Custom tab.

Step 4: Use the short code at the client level for use in all reports for a client, or use the short code within a specific report.

Editing Short Codes

Custom Short codes can be modified by clicking Edit in the "Actions" column of the applicable short code.

Deleting Short Codes

Custom short codes can be removed by clicking Delete in the "Actions" column of the applicable short code.

A modal will appear, confirming the action. Click Confirm Delete.

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