Export Templates
PlexTrac allows the uploading of templates to provide flexibility in exporting reports in a custom format and style.
File names for export templates can be duplicated, but creating unique values is recommended for easier management.
Titles can only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters:
Template Types
PlexTrac allows export templates to be uploaded in .doc (for Word documents) or .j2 (for PDF documents) format.
Jinja is a template engine that dynamically generates text-based documents by defining Word templates with placeholders for dynamic content. PlexTrac provides Jinja Word templates to match the branding and styling of an export organization.
PlexTrac provides default templates for exporting to PDF and Word.
Creating an Export Template
Step 1: From the Admin Dashboard, click Templates under "Customizations."
Step 2: Click the Export templates tab.
Step 3: Click Create export template.
Step 4: Drag a .docx or .j2 file to the box provided or click the box in the model to find the file to upload to the computer.
Step 5: Select a style guide to associate with the export template if applicable.
Step 5: Click Upload.
The new template appears in the table.
Downloading an Export Template
Export templates can be downloaded by clicking Download under the "Actions" column.
The file will download to your local system.
Deleting an Export Template
Export templates can be deleted by clicking Delete under the "Actions" column.
A dialog box will appear confirming the action. Click Delete to complete the task.
Last updated