Adding Assets to a Client
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Assets within PlexTrac are stored outside of reports at the client level within the platform. An asset can exist as a standalone file in the Clients module or associated with a finding, referred to as an affected asset.
Organizations can efficiently manage and track their cybersecurity resources by organizing and storing assets in PlexTrac. This centralized approach ensures that important files and information are readily accessible when necessary, facilitating collaboration, efficient vulnerability management, and streamlined remediation efforts.
Step 1: From the Clients module home page, click the client's row or View under the "Actions" column.
Step 2: Click the Assets tab.
Step 3: Click the Add assets pulldown menu and select Create asset.
Step 4: The "New Asset" modal appears. Enter the desired information into the appropriate fields.
Asset Name is the only required field.
Step 5: Click Save at the bottom of the modal.
The asset now appears in the Assets tab.
Step 1: From the Clients module home page, click the client's row or View under the "Actions" column.
Step 2: Click the Assets tab.
Step 3: Click Add assets, then select Bulk paste assets from the pulldown menu.
Step 4: Paste asset information into the provided box as a return- or comma-separated list. PlexTrac will parse the assets and add them to the finding. URLs with paths (i.e., will be separated into parent and child assets.
Step 5: Click Next.
Step 6: PlexTrac will search for assets in the bulk paste that match existing assets and identify them separately from new assets on the Review tab. This provides the option to deselect any assets before import.
Step 7: Click Next.
Step 8: Add any tags (optional). Click Add X assets.
A message confirming the import and assets are viewable from the Assets tab will appear.
PlexTrac supports asset imports using an NMAP file or a CSV template:
NMAP files: Network Mapper is a free, open-source network discovery and security auditing utility. More information on NMAP can be found on PlexTrac's Integrations section of this site.
CSV: PlexTrac provides a template for uploading assets to a client. Click the file below to download the template:
The template is prepopulated with all permitted fields and sample values.
Do not add additional columns or some data may not be imported.
Asset Name
ip addresses
IP address of the asset
Importance level of the asset
data owner
Person responsible for the data
Jane Pentester
physical location
Geographic location of the asset
system owner
Person responsible for the system
Open/closed ports and associated services
22/open/tcp//ssh//OpenSSH 4.3 (protocol 2.0)/
Each port can have up to eight values, separated by a slash. See the Ports section below after the table for more information.
Categorization tags
Brief description of the asset
Hierarchical relationship
Child 1
Asset type
The value for this field must be one of the following: Workstation
, Server
, Network Device
, Application
, or General
. If another value is used, it will be ignored, and the Asset Type value will display in PlexTrac as "Not Set."
This field is not case-sensitive.
host fqdn
Fully Qualified Domain Name
Name of the host
host rdns
Reverse DNS lookup
dns name
DNS name associated with the asset
mac address
Media Access Control address
netbios name
NetBIOS name of the asset
total cves
Total number of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
pci status
Payment Card Industry compliance status
The value for this field must be blank, Pass
or Fail
. If another value is used, it will be ignored, and the Asset Type value will display in PlexTrac as "Not Set."
This field is not case-sensitive.
operating system
OS running on the asset
Windows 11
Column G ingests port information imported and found in the asset's Notes/Description tab.
Multiple values for the ports cell are separated by commas, such as:
22/open/tcp//ssh//OpenSSH 4.3 (protocol 2.0)/, 25/open/tcp//smtp///, 53/closed/tcp//domain///, 70/open/tcp//gopher///, 80/open/tcp//http//Apache http 2.2.3 ((CentOS))/, 113/open/tcp//auth///, 31337/open/tcp//Elite///
Each port can have up to eight values, separated by a slash. This means there must be seven slash characters (/) for each port ingested, even if no data exists within the slashes. If the correct number of slashes is not used, an import error will appear, and the file will not be accepted.
Examples of valid data values for the ports field:
80/open/tcp/auth/ssh/test 6//
80/open/tcp/auth/ssh/test 6/Apache http 2.2.3 (CentOS)/
The first value captures the port number. The second value captures the port status (any ports with a status of Closed
will not be imported). The third value captures the protocol. The fifth value captures the service, and the seventh value captures the version.
If the port has a defined closed status, the cell is left blank entirely (the field is optional), or just one value is entered (such as
), then it is not necessary to include all seven slashes.
Step 1: From the Clients module home page, click the report row or View under the "Actions" column.
Step 2: Click the Assets tab.
Step 3: Click Add assets, then select Bulk paste assets from the pulldown menu.
Step 4: Drag a file into the modal or click the box to navigate to the file on the computer.
Step 5: Click Import.
A message will appear confirming import.
The new assets are displayed on the Assets tab. To view imported values, click View of the imported asset.
To view imported port information, click Notes/Descriptions.
Check "Preserve pasted assets" to treat the pasted content as a monolithic asset. The parser will not attempt to break down the asset into its constituent parts (child assets) or identify potentially vulnerable parameters.