Tenable Security Center

Tenable Security Center (Tenable.sc) is a vulnerability management solution that provides visibility into the security posture of IT infrastructure. It consolidates and evaluates vulnerability data, illustrates vulnerability trends over time, and assesses risk with actionable context for effective remediation prioritization, which then can be imported as findings into PlexTrac via API.

Multiple integrations can be configured per instance or for specific clients.

This is a licensed feature.

Field Mappings

Below are the field mappings from Tenable to PlexTrac, broken up by findings and assets.

Tables include the following columns:

  • Tenable SC Field: the field name in Tenable SC

  • Direction: displays the direction in the flow of data occurring for the integration

  • PlexTrac Field: the field name in PlexTrac

PlexTrac only imports vulnerabilities that Tenable has not archived.

Findings Field Mappings

If a field is not listed, then PlexTrac does not currently import.

Assets Field Mappings

If a field is not listed, then PlexTrac does not currently import.

Deduplication Logic

PlexTrac will not import findings from Tenable that have the same combination of plugin ID and severity.

Integrating Security Center

Step 1: From the Admin Dashboard, click Integrations under "Tools & Integrations."

Step 2: If licensed, the option to connect will appear (if not, the box will display a lock icon and "License required"). Click the Tenable box.

Step 3: Enter a connection name and select if this integration is across the tenancy or for a client (if specific to one client, select the client of the pulldown menu). Click Continue.

Step 4: Select "Connect to Tenable Security Center." Enter the Tenable URL, access key, and secret key. Click Continue.

Visit the Tenable documentation site for more information on generating API keys.

If the keys are correct, a confirmation message will confirm successful synchronization.

Step 5: Edit the field mappings on the provided tabs for findings and assets, or continue using the defaults.

Information flows only from Tenable to PlexTrac. Fields required by PlexTrac are identified with a red asterisk.

Fields that can be deleted will have an "X" next to the PlexTrac field when hovering over with the cursor. A confirmation message will appear after clicking X.

Configurable fields can be adjusted by clicking the purple line and deleting the existing connection.

Click on the Tenable field, then click on the desired PlexTrac field to map and create a new connection.

Click Continue when finished.

The integration appears in the table as a listed connection.


PlexTrac offers two synchronization options for Tenable integrations, allowing off-cycle syncs in addition to the regular hourly script.

  1. Sync: This option allows an off-cycle synchronization off cycle and typically takes less than ten minutes.

  2. Full Sync: This option looks at the complete Tenable database. It can be several hours, although it happens in the background and does not prevent using PlexTrac for other tasks.

Synchronization History

To view sync history, click Synch history under the actions menu of the integration.

Managing Integrations

Any existing integration can be disabled temporarily or deleted if no longer needed.

Disabling an Integration

To disable an integration, click the toggle button for the integration under the "Enabled" column. This action also disables the ability to synchronize the integration.

Deleting an Integration

To delete an integration, click the three dots under the "Actions" column and then Delete.

Last updated

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