
PlexTrac supports importing files from Nessus in XML Export 2.0 or Nessus file formats. Nessus scans vulnerabilities on various assets, including servers, network devices, virtual machines, and endpoints. It identifies vulnerabilities and configuration issues that attackers could exploit and provides detailed reports on these findings.

Field Mappings

Below are the field mappings from Nessus to PlexTrac, broken up by findings and assets.

Tables include the following columns:

  • Nessus Field: the field name in Nessus

  • Direction: displays the direction in the flow of data occurring for the integration

  • PlexTrac Field: the field name in PlexTrac

  • Notes: Additional information on the business rules

Finding Field Mappings

Below are the mappings of fields. If a field is not listed, PlexTrac does not currently import it.

Asset Field Mappings

Below are the mappings of fields and any notes to provide context. If a field is not listed, PlexTrac does not currently import it.

When importing a Nessus file for the second time, assets that were previously closed will remain closed, even if their associated findings are open. PlexTrac currently supports reopening findings upon re-import but does not support reopening assets.

Last updated

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