Editing a Report

Editing from the Readout Tab

Step 1: From the Reports module home page, click Readout under the "Actions" column of the report to edit.

Step 2: From the Readout tab, click Edit/Comment.

If no report narrative was added when the report was created and no findings with narratives were added, editing from this tab will not be possible. The user must first go to the Narrative tab and enter content or add findings.

Step 3: Modify the content as needed. All changes are autosaved.

This page does not allow editing of headings, and some other functionality is limited. As such, editing from the Narratives tab is recommended.

Editing from the Narrative Tab

Step 1: From the Reports module home page, click Readout under the "Actions" column of the report to edit.

Step 2: Click the Narrative tab.

Step 3: Edit the text and titles as desired.

For more details on tracking changes and adding comments in the rich-text field, visit the Collaborative Editing page.

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