NarrativesDB Home Page

The NarrativesDB home page consists of two tabs:

  • Repositories: A centralized location where all sections can be stored and managed.

  • Sections: A dedicated space to create reusable content for narrative sections within a report.

Repositories Tab

PlexTrac provides a sample narratives repository containing six sample narrative sections to demonstrate how content reuse might exist.

The sample repository is an Open repository that cannot be deleted but can be modified.

Sections Tab

Sections are containers that contain a title, body, and tags. They are reusable in reports and are stored in this tab.

Configuring Views

The table view can be customized by clicking the column view icon to the right of the search bar.

Once clicked, a modal appears that lists all fields. To remove a column, click X within the bar.

Fields that are required do not have an X available.

When fields are removed, an "Add Column" pulldown menu is added at the bottom left of the modal to store the field. Any removed fields can be added later by clicking Add Column and selecting the field to add.

This modal represents the sequence of fields provided in the table, meaning the bar on top will be the column on the table's far left.

The order of columns can be adjusted within this modal by clicking the six dots on the left of the bar for a field and dragging the bar to the desired sequence place.

Click Save when finished.

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