Trends & SLAs
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The Trends & SLAs tab displays how a security program is meeting goals from an SLA perspective and provides trending data about findings in a security program. It allows the configuration of SLAs based on specific criteria and allows visual data to determine if those criteria are being met.
The Trends and SLAs tab contains multiple containers:
Mean time to remediate by severity: This includes only closed findings. The MTTR number is derived from the following calculation: Total Sum of Creation to Closure Time / Total Number of Findings Closed.
Trend of findings opened vs closed: This graph shows progress over a period of time. To better utilize space, days with zero findings opened or closed are hidden.
Service-Level Agreements (SLAs): This section will list every SLA that has been enabled for the tenant.
Admins can set up SLAs through the Admin Dashboard (Tenant Settings>Service-Level Agreements) or by clicking SLA Settings.
Search filters allow users to refine and narrow search results based on specific criteria or parameters.
Analytics filter values and data sets are updated every minute. If a tag or field was updated but did not appear as expected, wait one minute and try again.
A list of all filters and values exists below:
Client Tags
Date Range
Finding Severity
Finding Tags
Report Tags
The MTTR number is derived from the following calculation: Total Sum of Creation to Closure Time / Total Number of Findings Closed.
This graph includes only closed findings.
This container displays a bar graph showing the monthly trend chart of open and closed findings over the period specified in the filter for findings that match the criteria.
A trending blue line shows the total number of open findings. A green bar identifies the number of closed findings, while a red bar identifies the number of opened findings.
To make the graph easier to view, days with zero findings opened or closed are hidden.
These containers provide visual representations and snapshots of findings based on enabled SLAs and selected query parameters.
A total count for all findings that exceed, are nearing or are within one day of the SLA.
A view of the mean time to remediate, plus any findings nearing one day of SLA over time.
A view of how many findings by a percentage of overall findings exceeded SLA over a period of time.
Further details and the ability to directly edit any findings that apply to the SLA can be obtained by clicking on the appropriate box under "CURRENT SNAPSHOT."