Retrieving Parameter IDs

Parameters are essential components that can be included with an endpoint to modify the behavior and response obtained from the PlexTrac API. These parameters serve as options, allowing users to customize their requests, retrieve specific information, or perform specific actions. By utilizing these parameters effectively, users can enhance their interaction with the PlexTrac platform.

The following is a compilation of commonly used parameters in various PlexTrac API endpoints, accompanied by an explanation of locating the corresponding values within the platform to fulfill specific requirements for each request.

Tenant IDs

The tenantId is returned when an authentication API is requested, as shown here:

Client IDs

The clientId can be retrieved from the platform by going to the Clients module, clicking the desired client, and looking at the numerical value in the URL between "clients" and "reports" in the URL path.

Finding IDs

The findingId can be retrieved from the platform by going to a client or report, clicking the Findings tab, clicking the desired finding, and looking at the Finding ID field.

Report IDs

The reportId can be retrieved from the platform by going to the Reports module, clicking the desired report, and looking at the numerical value at the end of the URL.

Repository IDs

The repositoryId for DBs can be retrieved from the platform by going to the desired module under the Content Library, clicking the appropriate repository card, and looking at the value at the end of the URL.

Role IDs

The roleId for default roles are:

  • ADMIN: cljhc9ggj000008l99gkyai90

  • STD_USER: cljhc9rvn000208l9g4lpai54

  • ANALYST: cljhc9yh1000308l9ar7j8mux

The roleId for custom roles can be identified by looking at the URL of the role within the platform.

Step 1: Click Account Admin under the user name pulldown menu.

Step 2: Click Security under "Security & User Management."

Step 3: Click Role Based Access.

Step 4: Click the box of the custom role.

The roleId is the value at the end of the URL.

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