Finding Object

Findings are the most common object in PlexTrac and contain data detailing an exploit.

Findings also exist in client asset information in the form of an affected asset and contain the relationship information about which client assets are affected, which is tracked in the affected_assets field.

For each client asset, the finding affects, an object exists in that field's list containing information and metadata about the client asset and how it relates to the finding. Since the objects stored in affected_assets contain this extra relationship metadata, these items are considered separate objects called affected asset objects.

Finding Table

The following table explains the fields and data types stored for a finding. Fields are presented in alphabetical order by object field name.

The required fields when creating a finding are title, severity, and description.

Finding Structure

The finding object stored in the database is a nested JSON object. Below are screenshots and a sample downloadable file that displays the structure of different database objects.


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