Creating a Writeup
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The process of creating a writeup is similar to that of creating a finding.
Step 1: From the WriteupsDB home page, click the Writeups tab.
Step 2: Click New Writeup.
Step 3: A modal will appear with the option to start from default finding fields or use a custom findings layout. Choose an option and click Start.
Step 4: Enter the information in the provided fields on the "Create New Writeup" page. Required fields are denoted with a red asterisk.
Visit the Creating a Finding page for documentation on the fields referenced below.
New sections for the writeup can be added by clicking Add Field at the bottom of the page. There is no limit to the number of new sections. Any section can be deleted by clicking the Remove button.
Step 5: Scroll back to the top of the page and click Close. All changes are autosaved.