Creating a Report
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Users can generate a report by accessing the Clients module or creating one within the Reports module. The process and experience are identical, except if a report is created from within the Clients module, there is no need to select a client. Assuming the user is currently in the Reports module, they can follow the instructions below.
Step 1: From the Reports home page, click Create Report.
Step 2: Select the client from the pulldown menu. All clients for a tenancy will be available for selection.
Step 3: The modal then expands. Enter the desired data in the fields (required fields are marked with a red asterisk).
Report Name: Appears throughout PlexTrac as the report title. It is a required field.
Report Classification: Defines the security tier classification for the report, which can then be used to restrict access.
Status: Provides the status of the report. By default, the report will be in Draft
mode. The user can select other options, such as Ready for Review
, In Review
, Approved
, or Published
from the pulldown menu.
Report Template: Report templates are predefined layouts that define the structure and format of a report. They can include narrative sections, custom fields, and other elements. Select the desired template from the pulldown menu to associate a report to a template.
Findings Layout: Findings layouts are predefined templates that provide a consistent structure for collecting data when creating a finding. Select the desired template from the pulldown menu to associate a layout with a report.
Operators: Identifies users who work on the report, and any user with their name in this field will see the report listed on their Dashboard under the "Your reports" tab. Enter users by placing the cursor in the field box, selecting a value, or typing a name. This field can be blank or contain multiple users. Once added, an operator can be removed by clicking the "X" to the right of the name.
Start Date: Identifies the start date of the report. Place the cursor in the field box to select a date from the calendar.
End Date: Identifies the end date of the report. Place the cursor in the field box to select a date from the calendar.
Reviewers: Identifies users who review the report, and any user with their name in this field will see the report listed on their Dashboard under the "Your reports" tab. Enter users by placing the cursor in the field box, selecting a value, or typing a name. This field can be blank or contain multiple users. Once added, a reviewer can be removed by hovering over the user name and clicking the red trash can icon.
Tags: Provides help when searching for the report elsewhere in the application. Click on the field to add tags and type in your desired value. You can also scroll through the list or type in characters to narrow down your options and make a selection. This field can be blank or contain multiple tags. Once added, a tag can be removed by clicking the "x" at the end of the value.
Include Raw Evidence in Export: Ensures that all raw evidence in the report is included when exported. This is turned off by default but can be clicked to toggle on.
Custom Fields: Add any desired custom fields by clicking Add Custom Field or selecting existing custom fields from a template to import via the pulldown menu.
Step 3: Click Submit.
Upon submission, the system creates the initial framework of the report, ready for further content addition and collaboration. Other tabs can now be accessed to make necessary changes, such as adding findings or assets.
Step 4: Click the Narrative tab.
Step 5: Add a report narrative. An existing narrative can be reused by clicking Add from NarrativesDB or a new one can be added by clicking Custom Section.
Visit the Adding from NarrativesDB page for more information.
Step 6: The user is prompted to input a title and content for a custom section, with the ability to add more sections by repeating the process. The system will automatically save any changes made.
Step 6: Visit the Findings, Assets, Artifacts, and Attack Path tabs to add more information and continue building the report. These sections are explained in more detail elsewhere on this site.