
This page defines terms used throughout the Pre-Built Report Exports documentation. Two distinct categories of terminology are utilized, each accompanied by its unique label:

  1. Data Types Inside the PlexTrac Platform: These terms are identified as (PlexTrac) and pertain to data types, structures, or components intrinsic to the PlexTrac platform and may encompass findings, assets, users, reports, and other data entities that play a central role in PlexTrac.

  2. Elements of a Jinja Template: These terms are identified as (Template) and indicate elements specific to Jinja templates. These include placeholders (variables), control structures (such as loops and conditionals), filters (utilized for text manipulation), and other elements.


Baseline Jinja Template (Template): The .docx file is being modified to create customized report exports. It is uploaded to Account Admin -> Templates -> Export templates.

Detailed Findings (Template): The Jinja template's section renders configurable detailed information about each finding, which can be divided by scopes.

Editor Table (PlexTrac): A table generated inside a narrative table in PlexTrac.

Finding's Layout (PlexTrac): Defines the finding custom fields that will be available whenever editing a finding in a report (optional). Found in Account Admin -> Layouts.

Jinja Table (Template): A table built dynamically on export by the Jinja code within the template.

Macros: In Jinja, macros are a feature that allows users to define reusable template code pieces.

Narrative Section (PlexTrac): An individual content block comprised of a title and a rich-text field (RTF). It may include embedded inline images, tables or code blocks.

Prefixes: Prefixes are short labels or identifiers added to reference numbers or codes. For example, findings related to network security might have "NET" as their prefix, while findings related to policy compliance might have "POL" as their prefix.

Report Custom Fields (PlexTrac): Metadata fields that may exist at the report level and are defined in the Details tab when editing a report and included as part of the report template. Examples include Application Name, Author, Lead Tester, Project Manager, etc.

Report Template (PlexTrac): The starting attributes and reusable content for a report. It comprises three main sections: The Jinja template, the report custom fields, and the narrative sections. Found in Account Admin -> Templates.

Scope: Denotes a specific category of technical examination, including Internal, External, Webapp, Wireless, Social, and Physical tests. When an engagement encompasses multiple scopes, it is termed a "multi-scope" assessment.

Scope Tag (PlexTrac): A tag applied to a finding to ensure that the finding is displayed in the appropriate scope sections of a report.

Static Content (Template): Anything in a Jinja template that is not Jinja code. Static content will always be rendered on export, as presented in the Jinja template.

Summary of Findings Table (Template): A Jinja table that provides one row for each finding with a user-configurable number of attribute columns such as reference number, title, severity and CVSS score. The Jinja template can render separate tables for each scope but can optionally include all findings in a single table.

Tags: In Jinja templates, tags are placeholders enclosed in double curly braces like {{ tag_name }}. These tags can be used to insert dynamic data or logic into the template. In this case, the tags are related to findings, scopes, and prefixes.

Variables: Placeholders for dynamic data that can be substituted with actual values when the template is rendered.

Word Style (Template): A set of text attributes in Microsoft Word that dictate how the text of a given style will be rendered, including font, size, spacing, color and more.

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