Backing Up and Cleaning

This page explains the process for creating a local backup of PlexTrac using the built-in script and clean command.


  • Command-line access to the server hosting PlexTrac

  • Nobody is using the platform

Backup may be incomplete if someone is actively using the platform.

Backing up

Step 1: Log in to PlexTrac and switch the user to plextrac.

sudo su - plextrac

Step 2: Run plextrac backup.

plextrac backup

Depending on how much data exists in the platform, this step may take anywhere from a few seconds to 10 minutes. Do not interrupt the process before the shell is returned.

If this is the first time running a backup, a backups directory will be created in the directory where PlexTrac was installed.

Inside the backups directory, “couchbase,” “uploads,” and “postgre” folders exist.

Each time a backup is performed, a new directory is created in these directories with the date and time of the backup. If a backup needs to be performed, all three directories are required.

PlexTrac Clean

The new PlexTrac utility has a built-in function to make managing local PlexTrac backups quick and easy. Depending on the size of your database and the frequency of backups, we recommend running this command regularly to avoid potential problems arising from space issues on the server.

To run the clean utility, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Log in to PlexTrac and switch the user to plextrac.

sudo su - plextrac

Step 2: Run the plextrac clean command. This command automatically removes backups older than ten days and compresses the rest to save space.

plextrac clean

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