Detailed Controls

The Detailed Controls option allows users to choose between multiple table presentations of the compliance summary table.

Configuring Detailed Controls

Step 1: Open the ISO 27001 template.

Step 2: Go to the "OPTION DEFINITIONS" section of the setup code.

Step 3: Go to the bb.display_detailed_controls_options line. The number listed represents the option that will be leveraged. Modify the value as desired.

Detailed Controls Options

Click each expandable section for more information.

Option 1 {%p set nn.detailed_controls_option = 1 %}

The defining characteristics of this option are:

  • A uniform colorized title bar

  • The Compliance Rating value, which is color-coded by the level

  • The detailed controls will print any found data, including Description, Observation, and custom fields.

Characteristics of the Title bar:

  • Title

  • Automatic coloration

Additional Fields

Additional fields are presented in a specific order, and only sections with data for a given field will be displayed to avoid any blank rows. The template will display any other custom fields below Risk Assessment.

  • Description

  • Observations

  • CMMI Maturity Level

  • Risk Assessment

Example Output

Option 2 {%p set nn.detailed_controls_option = 2 %}

The defining characteristics of this option are:

  • A uniform colorized title bar

  • The Compliance Rating value, which is color-coded by the level

  • The CMMI Maturity Rating value, which is color-coded by level

  • Risk, which is color-coded by the level

  • The remaining controls will print any data found, including Description, Observation, and custom fields.

Characteristics of the Title bar:

  • Title

  • Automatic coloration

Additional Fields

Additional fields are presented in a specific order, and only sections with data for a given field will be displayed to avoid any blank rows. The template will display any other custom fields below Risk.

  • Compliance Conformity

  • Maturity Level

  • Risk

  • Observations

  • Recommendations

Example Output

Option 3 {%p set nn.detailed_controls_option = 3 %}

The defining characteristics of this option are:

  • A uniform colorized title barThe remaining controls will print any data found, including Description, Observation, and custom fields.

Characteristics of the Title bar:

  • Title

  • Automatic coloration

Additional Fields

Additional fields are presented in a specific order, and only sections with data for a given field will be displayed to avoid any blank rows. The template will display any other custom fields below Risk.

  • Compliance Conformity

  • Maturity Level

  • Risk

  • Observations

  • Recommendations

Example Output

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