After creating a priority, findings and assets can be associated with the Priorities module.
Findings and assets can also be linked to a priority from the Clients module using bulk actions.
Step 1: From the Priorities module home page, click the row or View under the "Actions" column of the priority to update.
Step 2: Click the Findings tab.
Step 3: Click Link Findings.
Step 4: Use the filters on the left nav bar to reduce the list.
Step 5: Select the findings to link. Click Continue with X findings.
Step 6: Select any affected assets to link. Use the assets filters to narrow the search results. Click Link affected asset or Continue without assets.
The user is returned to the Findings tab page. A notification will appear confirming the action, and the page will refresh with the recently added findings.
Any affected assets added will be displayed on the Assets tab.
Step 1: From the Priorities module home page, click the row or View under the "Actions" column of the priority to update.
Step 2: Click the Assets tab.
Step 3: Click Link Assets.
Step 4: Use the filters so that the list only shows assets relevant to the priority.
Step 5: Select the assets to link. Click Continue with X assets.
Step 6: Select any associated findings to link. Use the findings filters to narrow the search results. Click Link x associated findings or Continue without findings.
The user is returned to the Assets tab page. A notification will appear confirming the action, and the page will refresh with the recently added assets appearing.
Findings and assets included in a priority can be removed individually or via bulk actions. Any removed findings or assets from a priority will remain in their existing reports and not be deleted from PlexTrac.
Any assets associated with a finding will remain in the priority after the finding is unlinked, and any findings added via its association with an asset will remain after an asset is unlinked.
Step 1: Click the Findings tab from the priority details page.
Step 2a: Click the meatballs menu of the priority and click Unlink finding from priority.
Step 2b: Select multiple findings, click the Actions button, and click Unlink findings from priority.
Step 3: A dialog box will appear asking for confirmation. Click Unlink.
Step 1: Click the Assets tab from the priority details page.
Step 2a: Click the meatballs menu of the priority and click Unlink asset from priority.
Step 2b: Select multiple findings, click the Actions button, and click Unlink assets from priority.
Step 3: A dialog box will appear asking for confirmation. Click Unlink.